Thomas Herzig, Architekt:
Weyringergasse 29/17, 1040 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 699 11101220
Graduated in Architecture at the Academy of fine Arts in Vienna.
After working experience with different projects as an architect, in 2005 he started specializing in inflatable structures.
With the support by 2 production partners, one in China and one in Poland, he delivers inflatable buildings, furniture and objects to clients all over the world.
He his one of the very few experts in inflatable architecture in Europe.
Based on his designs for the Mars habitat and the terrestrial inflatable greenhouse, he got a funding by the European Space agency to develop an inflatable Moon habitat in early 2021.
For the Moon habitat study, he contributed the architectural design, structural design, material research and daylight system and concept of the ecological cycle inside the greenhouse.
Univ.-Doz. Dr. Norbert I. Kömle
Kirchweg 4/3, A-8051 Graz, Austria
Study of Physics and Astronomy at the Karl Franzens-University Graz.
Promotion to Dr. phil. in the fields Astronomy and Physics
Scientist at the Space Research Institute (IWF), Austrian Academy of Sciences, Graz.
Norbert Kömle is a planetary scientist and was a staff member of the Space Research Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Graz from 1979 until December 2018. He is now retired, but still active in planetary research with SRI participation, e.g. the NASA Mars Lander Mission “InSight”.
Over a long time of his scientific career, he did work for ESA’s ROSETTA Mission and developed thermophysical models of the cometary surface, which helped to interpret ROSETTA measurement results.
The experience gained from these activities helped for the development of numerical models describing energy balance and temperature variations in the Moon habitat.
Gábor Bihari
156/A, Kishegyesi út, Debrecen, H-4031, Hungary
Phone:+36 30 5278212
Physicist, Department of Experimental Physics, University of Debrecen Astrophysicist.
Gabor researches about habitat development for other celestial objects, nuclear propulsion and utilization of nuclear energy in space science, particle physics theories, neutron star development and macroscopic magnetic interactions.
For the Moon habitat concept he researched about radiation protection and about gaining, storing and recycling resources and energy.
If you are interested to read the comprehensive 212 pages report document of the PNEUMO PLANET moon habitat concept, please ask for the PDF-document via email: